A desire to come back to something

Miranda Geraskova
3 min readMar 2, 2021
Photo by Ryan KLAUS on Unsplash

I guess what I wanted to do is just pick up the proverbial pen and write a bit considering I’ve been on a bit of a writing hiatus with myself for the past 3 months.

A pattern I’m noticing with myself is something all prolific writers and creators say I shouldn’t be doing.

I’m inconsistent.

Or inconsistently consistent.

Or consistently inconsistent.

Whichever works for you.

As in I will pick up my camera for a month or two straight, and put it back down for almost as much. The same goes for writing and quite frankly literally everything else in Life. Maybe this is due to having a lot of interests, or maybe because I get quite bored and want to switch things up all the time.

Or maybe, and I’m still figuring this out — I discovered my specific way of learning.

By no means do I think this is unique; most likely I haven’t read about it or seen it yet.

I’ve found myself enjoying breaks from doing what I love, whether that be photography, writing, or filmmaking. I love these storytelling mediums dearly, and what I’ve noticed is the desire to step away and be more meaningful about my creative process by first taking time to cultivate and develop stories I would enjoy reading. I’m finding myself coming back better than ever with stories and skills and refreshed visions, and although I might be a bit more technically rusty — I’m noticing more meaning in my work, more intention.

If months ago I was writing on Medium because I wanted to earn money — now it’s just about the creative process and my enjoyment of it. I’m willing to step away for whatever amount of time in order to become a bit more of me — the creative process will always be there waiting, and maybe covered in a layer of dust, but always there.

More than anything I find value in the fact that this is my way of learning and my way of living and it’s the most enjoyable one for me — it feels the most natural.

And maybe this won’t lead anywhere, I certainly won’t post this, but I am curious about what could happen if decide to start writing 400–500 words a day. Or whatever amount. I know I’ve missed writing I’m just not too sure I want to start posting again and creating something out of it. Maybe this will just be another creative outlet for my thoughts and ideas and another way to identify patterns or maybe simply flex my creative muscle.

I don’t know.

All I know is I’ve missed writing and I want to have this creative outlet and maybe eventually start writing something — I know I want to get better at the way I speak and put my thoughts down on paper but also how I express myself in general. I think it’s an important skill to develop — the ability to express difficult ideas eloquently and simply — and potentially lead others to gain a deeper understanding of Life and themselves.

